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We have a reporting process in place that allows users to report ads for various reasons, whether they think it is a scam, the ad is inappropriate, etc. There are a few tips below to follow when it comes to possible scammers. If you believe a seller is being suspicious, follow these guidelines and feel free to contact us for further direction.

  • Non-cash payments are risky
  • We will NEVER ask for your password
  • Beware of users who won’t speak over the phone
  • Scammers pose as buyers AND sellers
  • Scammers will have tricky stories
  • Check mobile phones before purchase

Visit for more information on what to look for when it comes to scammers.

View the ad that you’d like to report. Click ‘Report.’

Select the most relevant reason to why you are reporting this ad, enter your email address, and any comments related to why you believe this ad is a scam, inappropriate, etc. Click ‘Submit.’ You will get a notification confirming that ‘Your report has been sent!’

We have a reporting process in place that allows users to report ads for various reasons, whether they think it is a scam, the ad is inappropriate, etc. There are a few tips below to follow when it comes to possible scammers. If you believe a seller is being suspicious, follow these guidelines and feel free to contact us for further direction.

  • Non-cash payments are risky
  • We will NEVER ask for your password
  • Beware of users who won’t speak over the phone
  • Scammers pose as buyers AND sellers
  • Scammers will have tricky stories
  • Check mobile phones before purchase

Visit for more information on what to look for when it comes to scammers.

View the ad you’d like to report. Scroll down to the bottom and click ‘Report Listing.’ It will auto-fill your email address; update it if you’d like us to respond to an alternate email. Choose the most relevant reason as to why you are reporting the ad, and add any comment relevant to why you believe the ad is a scam, inappropriate, etc. Click ‘Send Report.’ You will get confirmation ‘Your message has been sent.’

We have a reporting process in place that allows users to report ads for various reasons, whether they think it is a scam, the ad is inappropriate, etc. There are a few tips below to follow when it comes to possible scammers. If you believe a seller is being suspicious, follow these guidelines and feel free to contact us for further direction.

  • Non-cash payments are risky
  • We will NEVER ask for your password
  • Beware of users who won’t speak over the phone
  • Scammers pose as buyers AND sellers
  • They will have tricky stories
  • Check mobile phones before purchase

Visit for more information on what to look for when it comes to scammers.

View the ad you’d like to report. Click the down arrow, and then click ‘Report.’ Choose the most relevant reason as to why you are reporting the ad, and add any comment to why you believe the ad is a scam, inappropriate, etc. Click ‘Submit Report.’

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