These beautiful purebred Cane Corso puppies were born on July 1st. Our beautiful female (Lilith) had a litter of 12, we now have 1 female left. They have had their tails docked, dewclaws removed, and first round of vaccinations. There is only 1 sweet girl left, she is silver/blue. We own both parents, dad is silver/blue(150 pounds) and mom is black(125 pounds). Both parents have ICCF registration, are very intelligent, have great bloodlines, and amazing temperaments. This breed is very loyal and loving to their family, but will guard and protect you and your home. They are easy to train and their coats are easy to care for. These puppies are well socialized and played with, they get mental stimulation daily. They love kids, they play with their parents and the family cat everyday. They are also familiar with pee pad training. If you are interested in adding an amazing dog to your family, send me a message!