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I need ANYTHING household related. Ill come pick up. I mean I just moved into a
Mandan, ND

Watching: 8
Views: 140
I need ANYTHING household related. Ill come pick up. I mean I just moved into a three bedroom trailer. Just me and my Service Puppy in training. I am a 100% Disabled Veteran starting life all over. The hotel we just moved out of allowed me to keep their gross bed. The echos in here, ugh, nothing to absorb the sound of EMPTY.

Items needed:

#1 Anything

#2 Something

Items I already have: (Update)

#1 Couch (Thank you Michael)


Thank you everyone who helped us out. We are in a lot better shape than we were. We got almost everything we need household related and I cant describe what a peace of mind it is.


User profile imageMikkiPatriot