For convenience reasons, BisManOnline allows store account holders to post personal ads with their store account.
Once logged in, click ‘Post Ad.’ This will take you to the ad posting page. Here you would choose ‘Personal Account Post Only.’ This option prevents the ad from appearing under the store front and lists as a ‘private seller’ ad versus a ‘commercial seller’ ad.
Please note: This can also be done or changed after the ad has been posted by editing the ad. For assistance in editing an ad, please visit
For convenience reasons, BisManOnline allows store account holders to post personal ads with their store account.
Once logged in, click ‘Post Ad;’ this will take you to the ad posting page. Here you would choose ‘Personal Account Post Only.’ This option prevents the ad from appearing under the store front and lists it as a ‘private seller’ ad versus a ‘commercial seller’ ad.
Please note: This can also be done or changed after the ad has been posted by editing the ad. For assistance in editing an ad, please visit